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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sleepy Guy

This month we visited the neurologist in Springfield for the six month check-up.  Just driving there and back is exhausting for both of us.  It is a very quiet drive because Bill is still driving, but needs the quiet to concentrate, his nerves are already rattled just leaving the house.  So often now if he does go with me for shopping, he prefers to wait in the car and cat-nap.  As hot as it is getting, I hope no one turns me in for elder abuse.  I digress. This visit turned out to be a dud for both of us.  We are always frustrated and confused as we leave and as always this is the case.  This time the doctor asked Bill how his driving was? Bill replied, "Better than ever." The doctor then looks at me. I raise my eyebrows and softly say, "and accompanied by me."  To which Bill then states quite bluntly he has been driving for well over forty years and doesn't need any help from me!  The doctor never looks up from his notes and says, "According to the driver eval, you could be driving with a stranger beside you rather than your wife and that might not be as nice."  We then move on to another sore subject: lawn mowing - grrr.  I make my point, Bill makes his point.  Are we in marriage counseling or the principal's office?  We leave with a note describing our bitch session.  I think perhaps I am the one with the problem, my husband is slipping just a bit everyday and everyone seems to be blind to it.  His personal grooming is going down hill.  His words are becoming mixed up.  His naps are becoming longer.  People in denial still say the same thing, "Could it be the medicine he is taking that makes him so sleepy?" Perhaps, I need a tattoo on each arm one for me that says, "This is not Bill, this is the disease," and one on the other arm for friends and relatives that says, "this is not an effect of medication - this is a symptom of the disease." Why would anyone take medication for a blank expression, stooped shoulders, shuffling walk, extreme tiredness, and agonizingly aching muscles? I could go on, but I am so grateful I still have Bill and he is still able to verbally express things quite well.  In fact, I am seeing a new Bill who observes things he never took interest in
Crappieking 2009
Crappieking 2014

Bill and his most beautiful kitty

Grandie starting to practice driving boat

Another beautiful day at the lake
 before, like sunsets, clouds, all things in nature have become so beautiful and music makes him feel good. 

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