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Monday, June 18, 2012

Rumor Has It

Rumor has it now that Dollar General has arrived in our neck of the woods  it is the largest store built recently.  Another rumor is that it out sold all the area Dollar General Stores Memorial Weekend.  One thing I do know, I have yet to drive by that there aren't at least 2 cars parked there shopping, normally there are several cars parked out front and it is unbelievable by the weekend.
Another rumor has it that we are now going to see a motel of some sort - either on Y-10 or across from Dollar General.  How can this be we asked at? However, as we thought about it, the more sense it made.  There is rarily a weekend goes by that there are not fishing tournaments underway all year round.  Where do all these fishermen with plain and beautiful bass boats stay when not tearing up the water for the perfect fish?After all Coffman Beach Public Launch is very close by. When I hear more on this interesting story, I will keep you apprised. In the mean time, the water temperature is 81 degrees and I will leave you to ponder a quote by A. K. Best, "The fishing was good, it was the catching that was bad."

Me trying out a $20 fishing chair.

Grandie thinks it was made for her!

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