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Friday, July 13, 2012

Something's Burning - I think it's me.

Pink Knock-Out Roses

This was our forecast, April and May will be much cooler than normal, with near-normal precipitation. Summer will be drier and cooler than normal, on average, despite hot spells in early and late July. If expected rains do not come in June, drought will be an issue.
September and October will be cooler and rainier than normal, with snow in late October.


record-breaking heat wave in Missouri.  In late June and early July, we broke several hot temperature records. I fear my electric bill.

So far, this forecast has been fairly consistent. Our spring was quite warm and we are now in a drought. We almost get giddy if we see a gray cloud. We frown when said cloud blow on past. The other day the radio mentioned one had to be 58 years of age to remember it being this hot for this long. I mentioned this to my better half, by stating I probably didn't remember much of it I was so young. At this point he informed me I was 57, not 58, so at least one good thing has come out of this heat - I have become younger!

Little Lime before it cooked in over 100 degree temperatures
 Last summer we had so much rain, we hardly had to water the yard or our flower gardens.  This year we drag the hose around and water all day long and still plants are cooking in the ground. What hasn't died has been consumed by deer. Our hostas have been consumed, along with purple coneflowers, knock-out roses, even Virginia creeper has been chomped up like a precious delicacy.  Even with watering the grass is brown where the sun hits it all day. I will close with a picture of our beautiful knock-out roses before the hot weather and the deer worked them over. Last winter I made the decision to get rid of Stella O'Day lilies the deer ate, and I feel the hostas may follow the same path for something less yummy to our four legged neighbors.